At any age, pregnancy can be frightening. No matter what, though, it is a beautiful - and natural - stage of life. Pregnancy is not a disease. Some in our society do not understand its depth and giftedness. Girls' Health First members work to ensure young mothers are treated with the love and acceptance they deserve when fostering a baby in the womb.
We encourage you to first, seek the guidance and love of your parent or guardian if you're facing an unplanned pregnancy. You've got this, girl!

Parenting can be a challenging, yet rewarding experience...at any age! Girls' Health First believes girls deserve love and support when choosing the option to parent. With support from her family, friends, and community, even girls with great challenges can overcome these and become amazing mothers. There are many resources available to help teen mothers who choose to parent, providing emotional and financial support, mentoring, job training and more.
Adoption is a beautiful, life-giving option! There currently are about 2 million families in the United States seeking to adopt, dreaming of the gift of a child to love and nurture. There are many reasons a pregnant woman of any age might choose to make an adoption plan. All of them are the "right" reason, and
Some girls choose adoption because they feel they're not ready to be a mother, or because they can't give the child the kind of life or family they want to, or because they have goals they want to achieve before raising a child. Whatever the reason, a girl who makes an adoption plan for her unborn child is a HERO... to the child's adoptive family, to their extended family and their friends, and to the child, who will grow up learning about their birth mom's great act of love and sacrifice. If their birthmom didn't choose life, s/he wouldn't be alive today.
Birthmoms can choose their child's adoptive family, and can even include regular meetings, phone calls or updates from the adoptive family in the adoption plan. The birthmom can choose how much or how little contact she wants with the adoptive family.
Abortion ends the life of a human being with a heartbeat, brain waves and a life that has a purpose. It ends the life of an unborn baby and potentially harms the mother, father, and extended family involved. Studies indicate that girls and women who undergo an abortion often cope with harmful emotional and psychological aftereffects, including depression, anxiety, and mood disorders substantial enough to provoke attempts of self-harm.
If you've already had an abortion, feelings of anxiety, fear, pressure, guilt, and panic are common - both before and after the abortion. But with assistance from knowledgeable and caring people to process the experience, you can find hope and healing! The sorrow and memory of your child will remain, but you will find happiness again, and not make the same mistake. Talk about it with a trusted loved one and a mental health professional. You will need someone to walk with you through your healing journey. We'd like to suggest help from one of these caring organizations.
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